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09-20-10 Amended


The Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting on Monday, September 20, 2010 in the Council Chambers, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown.  First Selectman Llodra called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT:  First Selectman E. Patricia Llodra, Selectman William F.L. Rodgers, Selectman William F. Furrier.
ALSO PRESENT:  Finance Director Robert Tait, Town Engineer Ron Bolmer, Director of Land Use George Benson, Deputy Director of Land Use Rob Sibley, Director of Economic Development Elizabeth Stocker, one member of the public and three members of the press.

ADD TO AGENDA:  Selectman Rodgers moved to add, as item #6 under New Business, for discussion and possible action on the Public Works contract.  Selectman Furrier seconded.  All in favor.

First Selectman Llodra moved to add, as item #5 under Unfinished Business, Policy on Surveillance Cameras.  Selectman Furrier seconded.  All in favor.

First Selectman Llodra moved to add Finance Director Report as a part of the standard agenda for each meeting, after Communications.  Selectman Rodgers seconded.  All in favor.


ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  Selectman Furrier moved to approve the minutes of the Board of Selectman meeting of September 7, 2010 as presented.  Selectman Rodgers seconded.  All in favor.  

COMMUNICATIONS:  First Selectman Llodra read a letter dated September 16, 2010 from Director of Communications, Maureen Will (Att. A). It is impressive that Bridgeport knew they could call on Newtown.  There is a recognition that Newtown dispatchers are run with a competent hand and are very well trained.

FINANCE DIRECTOR REPORT:  Mr. Tait reported that the refunding bonds have been sold with a savings of $572,000 in interest savings or which $532,000 will be targeted to next year’s budget to offset our scheduled debt service payments.  He received a phone call from and investment company out of Chicago that asked what was going to be done about the decreasing fund balance.  This shows the importance of adhering to the fund balance policy.  It is unknown if it was that company that purchased the bonds.  Mr. Tait reported that the total savings from refunding is over $2,000,000.

Discussion and possible action:
1.  Implementation Plan - Plan of Conservation and Development:  This item will continue to be carried on the agenda.
2.  Use of Municipal Space:  Changes were discussed regarding the draft document of the policy in the General Provisions section number 3, 5, 6 and 8.  First Selectman Llodra suggested more documentation on the insurance process and talking more about liability, property damage and personal injury as different issues.  This item will continue to be carried.
3.  Grant Report:  Elizabeth Stocker presented the grant report dated August 23, 2010 (Att. B) and also presented the Community Development Update (Att. C).
4.  POCD – Land Use:  Mr. Benson and Mr. Sibley were present to explain there are some transportation issues that are somewhat involved with Land Use.  The following areas of the POCD were discussed:  TRAN2-6 5, promote the effort to realign Edmund Road with Commerce Drive, TRAN3 3, TRAN3 2b and pursuing scenic road status for different roads.  There is an overlap between Land Use and other departments.  Economic Development will be covered next.
5.  Policy on Surveillance Cameras:  The wording of this policy was discussed and will be carried forward to the meeting of October 4.

Discussion and possible action:
1.  Road Bond Release, Stone Gate Drive, “O’Neil Subdivision”:  Selectman Furrier moved the Road Bond Release for Stone Gate Drive, “O’Neil Subdivision” in the amount of $144,500.  Selectman Rodgers seconded.  All in favor.
2.  Maintenance Bond Release, Road & Drainage Work Agreement:  Selectman Rodgers moved the release of the Maintenance Bond, Road & Drainage Work Agreement for Hoseye Coach Road, Rollingwood Section 9 Subdivision in the amount of $118,000.  Selectman Furrier seconded.  All in favor.
3.  Agreement Between the Sate of Connecticut and the Town of Newtown:  Selectman Rodgers moved that the Board of Selectman resolve to authorize the First Selectman to execute the agreement between the State of Connecticut and the Town of Newtown for the cash grant in connection with alternative clean fuel vehicles and/or diesel retrofit technologies project number CM-000R(607) State project number 170-2870.  Selectman Furrier seconded.  All in favor.
4.  Appointments:  First Selectman Llodra noted that there are two positions available on the Economic Development Commission, one for a democrat or unaffiliated voter, which was to be filled tonight but no candidates applied.  The other is an open position to be appointed Oct. 18.  There are two alternate positions on Commission on Aging, one for a republican or unaffiliated voter and one open to any party or unaffiliated voter.  The Lake Zoar Authority has an unaffiliated vacancy and also a republican or unaffiliated vacancy.  Interested parties may apply until Oct. 18 with an appointment date of Nov. 1.  There are long term vacancies on two boards, one republican/unaffiliated vacancy on the Hattertown Historic District and one open alternate position.  There is an unaffiliated vacancy on the Sustainable Energy Commission and one open position.
5.  Tax Refunds:  Selectman Rodgers moved September refund #4 in the amount of $17,889.70.  Selectman Furrier seconded.  All in favor.
6.  Public Works Contract:  Selectman Rodgers moved to authorize the First Selectman to sign, in advance, the Public Works Agreement prior to full signatures of all parties and public release.  Selectman Furrier seconded.  All in favor.  First Selectman Llodra explained that all persons involved with the contract will sign the contract on Thursday; the First Selectman cannot sign without the authorization of the Board of Selectmen.

VOTER COMMENT:  Ann Marie Mitchell, Butterfield Rd. said it was good to be back and to be moving forward.

7. Executive Session:  Selectman Furrier moved to enter executive session for the purpose of property transfers for open space.  Mr. Sibley was invited to attend.  Selectman Rodgers seconded.  All in favor.  Executive session was entered into at 8:49 p.m. and returned to regular session at 9:27 p.m. with no action taken.

ADJOURNMENT:  Having no further business, the Board of Selectmen adjourned their regular meeting at 9:27 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,                                                         

Susan Marcinek, Clerk
Att. A:  9/16/10 letter from Maureen Will, Director of Communications
Att. B:  Grant Report dated 8/23/10
Att. C:  Community Development Update, August 2010